Penny Whittaker Massage Therapy

Massage Treatment

Deep and relaxing massage therapy treatment tailored to your needs and alignments. Myofascial cupping, hydro therapy and Reiki can be added to treatments when required.

NEW LOCATION JU_ENNE Beauty and Wellness 12505 102 Ave. Penny is a registered massage therapists who completed studies at the Edmonton College of Swedish Relaxation in 2004. As a member of the NHPC, National Health Practitioner of Canada, Penny continues her education with yearly courses in advanced massage therapy treatments such as myofascial cupping. Penny has been practicing Reiki since 2005 and received her final Reiki master attunement in the Usui System of Natural Healing in 2008. In 2012, Penny completed a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Psychology from MacEwan University. Penny’s clientele enjoy her very gentle, calming nature and the wonderful, nurturing space she creates. Penny’s services are covered by insurance and many companies can be direct billed.

NEW LOCATION JU_ENNE Beauty and Wellness 12505 102 Ave. Penny is a registered massage therapists... Read More

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Located at: 12505 102 Ave NW, Edmonton
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